A comprehensive overview of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

As someone living with a disability, or a parent or guardian of someone with a disability, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can offer lots of opportunities to access the support needed to live a fulfilling life.

However, the NDIS can also be difficult to understand. There are numerous stages you must do if you are a new participant in the NDIS in order to have your eligibility evaluated. Application forms need to be completed then, if you’re deemed eligible, you meet with the NDIS Service Provider to create your first plan, define your short-term and long-term goals and make a decision regarding the future administration of your plan's financing.

To learn more about your choices for controlling plan funding, click here.

The supports that is part of your plan is a crucial aspect of your experience with the NDIS. Your disability support worker helps you work towards achieving your goals, build your independence and improve relationships with your community.

NDIS supports are broken down into three categories. Core Supports, Capital Supports and Capacity Building Supports.

Core Supports

Your core budget is for support that helps you in your day-to-day life. These are made to improve your basic living skills and support your involvement in regular neighborhood events. The four main NDIS Core Supports are as follows.

Capital Supports

Capital support is for large expenditures that help you reach your goals over a longer time. Capital supports are often 'one-off investments' that help you build your independence. They usually require approval from the NDIA before being purchased. NDIS Capital Support can be divided into two types.

Capacity-building Supports

The NDIS may cover a variety of capacity-building support options, depending on your disability or individual goals. This support group is designed to help you build your independence as well as skills. These supports are essential in achieving your long-term goals.

These are the categories that NDIS Capacity Building Supports fall under:-

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