Disability-Related Services

“Disability services are those that are offered to people with mental illness, intellectual disabilities, or other developmental disabilities".

Australian Disability Parking Scheme

The Australian Disability Parking Scheme assists eligible persons to park closer to their destination.

Community Mental Health

This program provides support to individuals with mental illness, their families and caregivers in managing the effects of mental illness on their lives and improving their overall well-being.



The Disability Gateway

The Disability Gateway provides information, support, and services in areas such as education, employment, financial aid, and COVID-19. Contact the Disability Gateway by calling 0478 574 837 Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm AEDT or visit https://supportedlivingservices.com.au/

Support services provided by the Disability Royal Commission

The Australian Government provides free, independent advocacy and counseling support to people with disabilities who have suffered violence abuse, or neglect, as well their families and caregivers, and anyone else affected by the Disability Royal Commission.

Disability Employment Services

The Australian Government is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities have the opportunity to achieve their full potential by participating in the community as well as the workforce.

Early Childhood Intervention Services and Supports

This site provides information about current and past Early Childhood Intervention services and supports offered by the Department of Social Services and the Department of Education.

Early Childhood Targeted Action Plan

The Early Childhood Targeted Action Plan is a plan that targets children aged from infancy through school age. It outlines key actions to improve early identification, support and pathways for children with disabilities or developmental concerns, their parents and caregivers.

Family Mental Health Support Services

This service improves mental health outcomes for young children and their families.

Information, Linkages and Capacity Building program (ILC)

ILC funds organizations to support people with disabilities, regardless of their eligibility for the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

International Day of People with Disability

IDPwD, a United Nations-sanctioned day that takes place annually on December 3, celebrates and recognizes the contributions and achievements of people with disabilities.

National Auslan Interpreter Booking and Payment Service

When deaf Auslan users attend private medical consultations, the National Auslan Interpreter Booking Service offers free access to Auslan (Australian Sign Language) interpreters.

National Companion Card

The National Companion Card scheme allows eligible persons with disabilities to take part in venues and activities without having to pay for a second ticket for their attendant caregiver.

National Disability Advocacy Program

The National Disability Advocacy Program funds organizations that provide advocacy support for people with disabilities. This supports their right to full and equal enjoyment, protection, and enforcement of all human rights.

National Disability Conference Initiative

Eligible conference organizers are eligible for funding each year to help people with disabilities attend disability-focused conferences.

National Disability Insurance Scheme

The National Disability Insurance Scheme, (NDIS), supports people who have a permanent or significant disability that limits their ability to participate in daily activities.

NDIS Appeals

NDIS Appeals, formerly known as External Merits – Support Component, provides funding to support applicants in navigating the process for Administrative Appeals Tribunal review and decision-making by the National Disability Insurance Agency.

NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework

The NDIS Quality & Safeguarding Framework is a national approach that empowers and supports NDIS participants to exercise control and choice. It also ensures appropriate safeguards are in effect. It also establishes expectations for providers to provide high-quality support. Additional information and related factsheets on the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.

Postal Concessions to the Blind Program

The PCB Program allows blind people and eligible organizations that serve the needs of blind people to send eligible material via Australia Post. Australia Post reimburses the Department for postage costs associated with eligible material.

Print Disability Services

Four print disability service providers are funded by the Department to create digital masters of printed materials. Digital masters can be easily converted to the alternative format of choice by people with print disabilities.

Supported Employment

The support of employment is a key component in improving the economic and social participation of many people with disabilities in Australia.

Younger People in Residential Aged Care

The Australian Government is committed in reducing the number of older people who need to be cared for in aged care facilities.Services for people with disabilities

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